Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Family Portrait"

Still painting apples! This is another piece for our upcoming Women On Paper Show.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Time to Makeup"

Another piece for our upcoming Women on Paper Show on Nov. 20th. As I studied these two apples while I painted them, they looked more & more like a couple who'd had a spat!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Quiet Time

Donated to The Gertrude Herbert Art Institute's annual fundraiser "Oysters on Telfair"

Workshop Works II........

Here are the last three paintings. I waited til the last day to tackle the grapes!

Workshop Works I.....

October 19th - 23rd I had the privilege of studying with a wonderful painter named Carol Marine at a workshop in Jacksonville, FL. At the tender age of 31 Carol is a very accomplished painter and teacher. Carol is a 'Daily Painter' and during this workshop she shared with us how valuable the discipline of daily painting has been for her and how it has positively impacted her art career. She certainly made a believer out of me and the rest of the workshop participants. The images above are just a few of the exercises she had us complete during the week. It was a great art experience!

The images posted go from the first painting completed to the last one of the workshop.......It'll take two posts to get all the images on here (and I'm leaving out all of the monochromatic studies! Yes, it was a productive week!!)